Last updated: 28-09-2023 - Promote the concept of eco-village in Africa - Ecovillage Movement in Africa |
Supporting the movement of ecovillages is ultimately curbing rural exodus and immigration to Europ
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Ecovillage living - a new source of hope -South Africa -
Kosha Joubert - - TED Geneva 2015
UN - Ecovillage Initiative for Achieving the SDGs - We invite
governments, UN agencies, businesses and other stakeholders to join us
in developing and using an ecovillage approach to eradicate poverty,
restore the natural environment, and ensure that all people’s basic
human needs can be met.
Conference TED: Kosha Joubert: Ecovillage Living
– A new source
of hope
Thousands of ecovillage communities around the world are taking
action and responding to the challenges confronting us due to global
warming and climate change. These actions range from and focus on
developing and implementing Green Building Practices, Climate
Friendly Agriculture, Restoring the Natural Environment,
Sequestering Carbon and Green House Gases through BioChar and Soil
Restoration, Protecting and Regenerating Local Water Cycles,
Installing and Using Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies,
and responding to emergencies and crises with resilient and
regenerative planning and rebuilding practices.
Blueprint Meeting in Tamera - solar village
Tanzania - Chololo Ecovillage
Zimbabwe Mubaya Ecovillage
. Le village doit être transformé par les gens qui vivent sur place.
Actuellement 300 personnes, avec des passés différents, vivent au
village. Quelques-uns mènent une vie traditionnelle dans des huttes,
d’autres ont construit des maisons modernes. Certains vivent en
permanence sur place et d’autres ne viennent que le weekend. Plusieurs
sont dépendants de l’argent des membres de leur famille qui sont à
l’étranger et d’autres encore ont trouvé du travail en ville. Plusieurs
sont des paysans traditionnels qui sont dépendants des engrais
distribués gratuitement par l’Etat. Certains sont éduqués et d’autres
sont presque illettrés. Certains sont riches, d’autres pauvres.
Ghana - The Sankofa Ecovillage permaculture design principles
Nourish -
This African Ecovillage is Building a Conscious and Sustainable
Future 2021 - located 30 kilometres outside of Kruger National Park in
South Africa - With a focus on education, conservation, sustainable
farming, tourism and economic empowerment
South Africa - A critical analysis of the Gqunube Green Ecovillage
project - cette thèse présente le Gqunube Green Ecovillage et
propose un modèle idéal d'établissement humain. Il explique comment et
pourquoi le mouvement international des écovillages a atteint l'Afrique
du Sud et comment le révérend Roger Hudson a répondu à ce mouvement en
démarrant un écovillage vert
Innovating for Agriculture: 30 Inspiring Changemakers in Africa and
the Caribbean
The Ecovillages Empowering African Women and
Protecting the Planet : As the gloomy fate of climate change becomes an
everyday reality in Africa, innovative efforts to fight back by reimagining old
and new ways of living could hold the key to a sustainable future --------------------------------------
2016-11 Conference Ghana: GEN Africa in partnership with GEN
international will hold the upcoming Conference at Ghana Permaculture Institute
(GPI) in Techiman from December 1 - 6, 2016. - 35 active leaders and
advisors of the network will meet in order to consolidate the work we have done
so far and plan the way forward. The conference will include the General
Assembly. - The conference aims at achieving the following objectives:
Global Ecovillage Summit Dec. 2014 - Dakar Senegal
Connecting Communities for a Sustainable World
GEN Africa is the African ecovillage association, promoting
social resilience, environmental protection and restoration of nature
through the concept of ecovillages as models for sustainable human settlements.
We actively support the development of ecovillages and networks in all parts
of Africa.
Urban Ecovillage Ecovillage - Projects Map
What is an ecovillage? Global Ecovillage Network - his way of
life is the solution to all our problems: terrorism, isolation,
economic crisis, food crisis, disasters of any kind,
The Sustainable Development Agenda - the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an
historic UN Summit — officially came into force. Over the next
fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all,
countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight
inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one
is left behind. ------------------------------------------- Eco-Villages Author: John Raimondo
Eco-covillages are urban or rural communities of people who strive to integrate a supportive social environment with a low-impact way of life. To achieve this they integrate various aspects of ecological design, permaculture, ecological building, green production, alternative energy, community building practices, and much more. Eco-villages typically include the following characteristics:
Whilst the physical aspects are relatively easy to achieve, often the greater challenge for members of eco-villages is to be able to overcome individual prejudices and ‘personal shadows’ in order to achieve a sustainable, social cohesion of the community. According to Robert Gilman the main steps to creating a sustainable community include:
Douwe van der Zee has described permaculture as a combination of the words ‘permanent’ and ‘agriculture’, and was formulated specifically by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren to emphasise the difference from traditional agriculture. Traditional agriculture has become increasingly impermanent, in the sense that it relies on huge inputs of external energy, capital and labour, and has often been destructive to the soil. Permaculture systems are self-sufficient and ultimately need few or no external inputs. Mollison and Holmgren had more in mind, however, than just agriculture. What they proposed was nothing less than a radically different way of relating to the environment and to each other. It was meant to counteract the highly unsustainable, anti-nature ‘more, bigger, better’ (consumer) culture approach that has characterised modern society in the recent decades, and has largely been responsible for the serious global environmental, human and economic problems we now face. Permaculture is about using natural principles to ensure the maximum production of food and other human needs locally. This has considerable economic, agricultural, social and other implications. Some of the basic principles of permaculture include:
Self-sufficiency is the basis for most eco-villages as it ties in with everything else. In a cultivated ecosystem different crops ripen throughout the year. A variety of vegetables, eggs, fruits and nuts, cheese, bread, honey and other foods, as well as electricity and energy for cooking, are consistently available. Self-sufficiency is extended to many other spheres of life within an eco-village including buildings. Houses are built of natural materials such as clay, stone, straw and wood – whichever is most easily and locally available. There are a number of eco-villages in South Africa. Here are some useful websites about these eco-villages, as well as global sites concerned with eco-villages and intentional communities.
Reinventing how we live in the city LA ecovillage: self-reliance in car-free urban homestead - In urban Los Angeles, about 3 miles west of downtown, 500 people live on 11 acres where priority is given to bicycles, fruit trees, greywater, veggie gardens, clotheslines, compost, shared spaces (tool shop, art space, bike shop), micro-businesses, on-site natural food coop and chickens Angeles Eco-Village
Seed Communities: Ecovillage Experiments Around the World -The book is out! "Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community" . Curious about the leading edge of green living? After traveling to ecovillages on five continents, Professor Karen Litfin shares some gleanings about how these seed communities might help us to create a sustainable future. Ecovillage book from Karen LitfinSenegal
ANEV - National Agency Ecovillage in Senegal
SOS Environnement Sénégal - Organisation de
recherche et d'action sur l’environnement -------------------------------------------
Transposed in urban areas, the ecovillage model
becomes a process: ------------------------------------------- Home > Menu Ecovillages Afrique > Ecovillage-ressources
contribution is not simply about just doing good,
"Small actions taken by each of us, multiplied across
communities, can create a better world." – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon |