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Mise à jour : 28-09-2023 

Promouvoir le concept d'écovillage en Afrique

Ecovillage Movement in Africa


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Le hall polyvalent omnisports - marché, cinéma, réunions

Centre névralgique de l'écovillage avec la boulangerie/cyber/café/terrasse


Lutter  contre l'exode rurale c'est aussi apporter aux jeunes notamment, à la communauté en général, des équipements qui renforcent la communauté et favorisent des activités de loisir et sportives à la hauteur de ce qu'on trouve dans les grandes villes.

Le hall polyvalent est à la fois la place du village à l'ombre, le marché, la salle de réunions, le cinéma, la salle omnisports (basket, badminton, volley, foot) tout en assurant la récupération et le stockage des eaux de pluie, l'installation de panneaux solaires avec le centre de distribution de batteries. Il est prévu plusieurs modules additionnels réalisés en auto-construction comme des latrines écologiques, une installation de biogaz, un cybercentre, un atelier de fabrication et d'entretien de lampes solaires etc


Building Hope  The Story of Mahiga Hope High School - 1:11:50

Mahiga Hope High School Rainwater Court, Nyeri Kenya, By Dick Clark Architecture. Architecture For Humanity



Hall réalisé au Kenya avec un financement de Nike

Diaporama Mahiga Hope High School


Cameron Sinclair  - co-founder of Architecture for Humanity - demonstrates how passionate designers and architects can respond to world housing crises.

Mahiga Hope High School : the Nobelity Project



Le concept d’Architecture Open Source se traduit par une plateforme web collective de recherche en architecture à but non lucratif où les professionnels de la construction (au sens très large) auraient la possibilité de travailler en commun sur des espaces de vie existants où à inventer. Les résultats de ces travaux seraient librement utilisables, analysables, distribuables et modifiables par toute personne le désirant

The Open Architecture Network is a collaborative database which Architecture for Humanity hopes will make it easy for architects, designers and engineers from around the world to freely share their work, evaluate and modify existing solutions, and collaborate around new approaches. Think of it as the Wikipedia of humanitarian design, the first big step towards open source design



The technologies certainly either exist or could exist with a modest amount of concentrated global effort. As Hunter Lovinsput it recently in an interview with WC ally Nick Aster:

Do you believe that economic development can go hand in hand with sustainable development?

Yes, and this is a critical point. We know how to meet people's needs for energy, for water, for housing, for sanitation, and for transportation, with much more sustainable technologies than are traditionally brought by development agencies. Most of what is called development around the world is really donor nation dollars hiring donor nation contractors to deliver last century's technologies, in such a way that the jobs and the economic benefit go right back to the originating donor country.

What's lacking is vehicles for sharing and honing and reinventing the solutions which already exist, as well as mechanisms for innovating new and needed answers to existing and emerging problems.



The RainWater Court has solar-powered UV-purification of the 30,000 liters of fresh rainwater it catches with every two inches of rain. And four more rainwater systems at the school expand our capacity to over 100,000 liters. New toilet blocks are operating and we have hand-washing facilities for proper sanitation.


Financement Nike : GAMECHANGERS | Sports Micro-Venture Fund - In 2009, Architecture for Humanity and Nike Inc’s Sustainable Business & Innovation established a revolving grants program that has funded the design and construction of innovative, sustainable and safe places to play. Social Enterprise: promote access to sports as a catalyst for social and economic empowerment;

Gender and Sport: create equal access to sport across genders and create safe spaces for girls/ women; Leadership Through Sports: provide positive alternatives to at-risk youth, particularly young men; Alternative Play: develop innovative alternatives to play spaces for communities that lack resources; Youth in Emergencies: assist communities recover and reconstruct play spaces after disaster situations.



Cameron Sinclair au sujet des architectures open-source démontre comment les concepteurs et les architectes passionnés peuvent répondre à la crise mondiale du logement. Il dédie son prix TED pour un réseau améliorant le niveau de vie mondial au travers de la conception collaborative. Cameron SinclairCo-founder of Architecture for Humanity and the Open Architecture Network - sous-titrage en français



Tarahaat - Helping people Help Themselves






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