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IC - International Communities

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The Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting cooperative culture



The international community is a phrase used in international relations to refer to all peoples, cultures and governments of the world or to a group of them. The term is used to imply the existence of common duties and obligations between them. Activists, politicians and commentators regularly advocate the term, in the context of calls for action to be taken against political repression and to preserve the respect for human rights. It is also urged as an approbative for evidence-based policy in governance, and frequently for moral syncretism, justice and peace.



Une communauté est une interaction d'organismes partageant un environnement commun. Dans les communautés humaines, l'intention, la croyance, les ressources, les besoins ou les risques sont des conditions communes affectant l'identité des participants et le degré de leur cohésion. Dans son usage actuel le plus courant, le mot communauté évoque des collectivités historiques ou culturelles, telles qu'entendues dans les débats sur les minorités

Communautés intentionnelles : Cette expression est davantage utilisée au Québec qu'en France ; elle semble proche de la signification d'une communauté sociologique quoi que d'acception un peu plus limité Un ensemble de personnes d'origines diverses ayant choisi consciemment de vivre ensemble en un lieu donné et sous une forme organisationnelle et architecturale définie constitue une communauté intentionnelle. L'expression se réfère à des formes d'habitation dites alternatives. En 2007, Christophe Cousin réalisa un voyage de près de deux ans à travers les communautés intentionnelles' qui ont notamment pour vocation la construction d'un monde meilleur. Sur la route des Utopies, Paris, Arthaud, 2007, 288 p. (ISBN 978-2700396737).


Sur la route des utopies avec Christophe Cousin : Après un tour du monde en vélo, Christophe Cousin a fait le tour des communautés utopiques du monde ... A l’heure où tout paraît s’effondrer, où les bourses jouent au yoyo, où les plans sociaux se multiplient, où le libéralisme est remis en cause, nous vous proposons un gros plan sur une utopie, Auroville, une ville créée au sud de l’Inde il y a 40 ans…


Intentional Community is an inclusive term for ecovillages, cohousing communities, residential land trusts, communes, student co-ops, urban housing cooperatives, intentional living, alternative communities, cooperative living, and other projects where people strive together with a common vision.



A brief history of 2500 years of shared living

Insights about what works and what doesn't

Exploration of the "glue" that holds communities together

Profiles of  7 very diverse contemporary communities 


Earth Rights Institute is dedicated to securing a culture of peace and justice by establishing dynamic worldwide networks of persons of goodwill and special skill, promoting policies and programs which further democratic rights to common heritage resources, and building ecological communities.


Earth Rights Institute 



Spiritual Communities


Ananda Village ('68, Nevada City CA)
A large spiritual meditation/yoga community in the Sierra foothills,with several sister communities worldwide. Disciples of Yogananda.



Camphill Special Schools ('61, Glenmoore, PA)
Residential village providing rehabilitation and community for disabledchildren, who live with the staff families. Inspired by Rudolf Steiner. 

Catholic Worker House ('85, San Antonio TX)
Urban ministry to the poor, including a soup kitchen and
temporary shelter, support, and referrals for families in need.


The Farm ('70, Summertown TN)
Originally a '60s hippie spiritual commune, now reorganized with a hybrid economy with over 30 nonprofits & businesses.


Rural Egalitarian Communities

Back to the Land
('78, Hundred miles from nowhere, CA)
A pioneer village of five families on 40 acres in the middle of nowhere. Simple living, permaculture, outdoor survival skills.

Sandhill ('74, Rutledge MO)
Secular, egalitarian, family-style community with organic farm, shared income and labor and resources, consensus process.


Twin Oaks ('67, Louisa VA)
Egalitarian community creating an alternative village culture, with a labor credit system and a planner/manager system of governance.


Urban Communities

Goodenough ('81, Seattle WA)
Non-residential community: personal & social transformation; shared
spirituality; offering extensive workshops; community businesses.


Hearthaven ('87, Kansas City MO)
Close-knit cooperatively owned household of close friends; faith based,with Christian/pagan influences; environmental organizers/activists.

Purple Rose Collective ('78, San Francisco CA) •
An urban collectively owned household with shared meals, chores, expenses, and weekly house meetings.

Cooperative Communities


Breitenbush ('77, Detroit OR)
New age retreat & conference center, run by a worker-owned
collective, with hot springs, hydro power, and geothermal heat. http://breitenbush.com 


Fraser Common Farm ('77, Aldergrove BC)
Cooperatively owned organic farm with worker-owned gourmet salad business. Sister community to Community Alternatives (1 hr. away).

Miccosukee Land Cooperative ('73, Tallahassee FL)
Land Co-op with private houses and community-owned roads and common land. Many voluntary programs among the members.


Cohousing Communities & Ecovillages

Rural ecovillage under construction, teaching permaculture and natural building technologies, operating by consensus.


N Street
Retrofit cohousing in a 1950s urban neighborhood. 13 households tore down back yard fences for common gardens & play areas. http://www.cohousing.org/ 


Nyland Cohousing
Suburban, large (42 units),very diverse cohousing community built from the ground up. Consensus based pedestrian village.



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Contact pour HA: lreyam@gmail.com 

