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Pays / Country: CHINE - CHINA

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Code ISO langue: fr

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Et maintenant: Ici vous pouvez proposer un projet, une entreprise, une technique, un circuit de voyage, des échanges de maisons.

And now:: Here you can propose a project, an enterprise, tips, a visit tour, home exchange.E.mail: lreyam (at)  gmail.com 





Cao Tian Ba, "village écologique modèle" dans le Yunnan - biogaz collectif La production de gaz se fait alors à partir de la récupération des excréments humains et du lisier des quelques porcs que possèdent la plupart des villageois.
La Chine Verte - La prise de conscience du gouvernement chinois
et la mise en place d’un nouveau modèle de croissance durable - Yunnan Green Environment Development Foundation - Rapport 133p

Ecovillage Development in China and around the world

Existing Forms of Ecovillages in China - Benli Village - Located in the city of Haikou, in the island of Hainan, the Benli Eco-village. With a population of 300 people their priority has been to build a self-sustainable Eco-village. The village was built based on advanced agricultural cooperative techniques by famous pioneers from outside the island. Benli Village practices “ecological economy” which involves organic farming; using environmentally-friendly technology (i.e. biogas, solar energy); and supports and promotes culture and sports.

Lifechanyuan - The New Life Mode for Human Being -- the Second Home of Lifechanyuan

Lifechanyuan at the ecovillage conference in July 2013 in Schweibenalp


Guizhou the first Gaia Education EDE in China  Organised by Partnerships for Community Development (PCD)

Transformation of Dazhuyuan Village into an eco-village.

An Evaluation of Cradle to Cradle Design C2C As a Solution to the Chinese Environmental Crisis
The Winter of Despair: Huangbaiyu



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...https://www.habiter-autrement.org/Par Pays

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