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Constructions en terre et sable


La Voûte Nubienne - une technique africaine de construction de toits en terre

Au Sahel, c’est la seule alternative à l’utilisation de bois rare et de tôles inadaptées - chaudes et chères - qui obligent les populations à une architecture les enfermant dans un cercle vicieux de pauvreté . En vulgarisant cette technique à grande échelle, le programme ‘pour des Toits de Terre au Sahel’ permet aux populations d’Afrique subsaharienne d’améliorer durablement leur qualité de vie



Video - La voute Nubienne au Burkina Faso - In English



Earthship Bioculture - a global company offering proven, totally sustainable design and construction services worldwide. Our company is led by Michael Reynolds, the principle biotect and creator of the Earthship Concept - Single family residence, Residential developments, Commercial Structures, Demonstration and Disaster Relief Projects

http://www.earthship.net/web/HYPERLINK "http://www.lavoutenubienne.org/"


Earthhomes - Nouvelle Zélande - Earth Building Company


Earth Architecture


Cal-Earth - Californie - is at the cutting edge of Earth Art and Ceramic Architecture technologies today. Founded and directed by the internationally renowned architect and author Nader Khalili in 1986 - Emergency Sandbag Shelter - Cal-Earth is a non-profit foundation dedicated to research and education of the public in environmentally oriented arts and architecture. It's philosophy is based on the equilibrium of the natural elements of earth, water, air, and fire, and their Unity at the service of the arts and humanity.


Building with Earth Webring - Earth-sheltered construction. An earth-sheltered home is less susceptible to the impact of extreme outdoor air temperatures, so you won't feel the effects of adverse weather as much as in a conventional house. Temperatures inside the house are more stable than in conventional homes, and with less temperature variability, interior rooms seem more comfortable.



Construction en terre - Tierra Construida - Ce projet vise à établir une plateforme de coopération suivie entre des étudiants en architecture et les descendants Diaguita de la Communauté d'Amaicha del Valle à propos de l'usage de la terre comme matériau de construction - Une rencontre de trois peuples: le peuple Diaguita, l'Argentin et le Français autour de la construction de terre - de cooperación sobre el uso de la tierra como material de construcción


Arquitectura Viva - un ensayo visual - Patricia Gómez Jaramillo Arquitecta, Artista, Crítica de Arte - se enfoca desde una perspectiva poética Construccion con terra - Constructions en terre



Misereor - Ihr Hilfswwerk Technologies appropriées - Documents en (en),( fr), (es), (pt) - Adobe; modes de construction en terre, toilettes canalisés, un système pour réduire la consommation d'eau propre et la production d'eaux usées



Maisons de terre de Guy Rottier - Ossature en béton armé ou en acier ( préfabriquée ou non ), recouverte de terre, la maison se transforme en jardin aménagé suivant les idées de l'habitant. Nouvelle méthode, nouvelle vision de l' architecture, la façade "terre" pouvant occuper l'ensemble de la propriété. Nouvelles possibilités également, puisqu' au lieu de recouvrir de terre, on pourra employer n'importe quel matériau ( objets de rebut - pierres en vrac, traverses de chemin de fer, vieilles voitures, etc...)



En Afrique du Sud, une maison en sacs de sables sur 2 niveaux revient à environ €5.000 (54 m2 habitables sur un terrain de 112m2) - un prototype serait à réaliser sur le site


Méthode de construction d'habitations en sacs de sable




Refdaf - L’atelier de construction pour la Cité des Femmes - quelques techniques et matériaux ont été choisis par les femmes pour expérimentation : des pneus, des sacs remplis de sable, des cannettes de coca, du bambou, des tubes PVC, des bouteilles en plastique.



Vidéos de structures simples et très économiques http://ihpv.free.fr/index1.php?mainpage=http%3A//ihpv.free.fr/myihpv/possibilities/tensileSurfaceStructures.html 

La voûte nubienne - Une autre technique  la construction en terre crue - active au Sénégal


Structures en terre




Earthships - Constructions à partir d'éléments de récupération - pneus, canettes, bouteilles et de la terre

Earthship biotecture - Earthships are solar independent buildings that heat and cool themselves, are self powered, harvest their own water and deal with their own waste. With free energy from the sun and free materials from waste, the Earthship is based on earth rammed tyre walls giving thermal mass to store heat. Earthships offer a clear low cost and low carbon future.


Vidéos sur les earthships


Earthship France - Kevan Trott and his French earthship in Taos, calling it “the first residential Earthship in Europe.” The design pioneered in Taos uses old tyres and bottles to create a fully recycled home


Earthship à travers le Monde - images, vidéos, formations


Earthship sur wikipedia - Earthships are earth-sheltered autonomous buildings made of tires rammed with earth, which are usually arranged in "U" or horseshoe shaped modules. Each tire is rammed full of earth manually using a sledge hammer.


Earthship Biotecture Europe (EBE) is a social enterprise set up to enable the further evolution of the Earthship building concept in Europe. We aim to inspire a fundamental change in the provision of basic needs. Shelter, water, power, food, warmth and stability can all be met by building in line with the earth's systems. This is the only viable long term future for humanity. The Earthship is a powerful gateway to deliver this change.


Earthship Autriche Austria


Our Tire-house Story - Residential Designs using hybridized practical building techniques beneficial to the Earth and the end use


Survival habitat - Dennis and Gerry Weaver have built a beautiful home which is environmentally friendly yet confortable to live in near Ridgway, Colorado. This type of house which uses tires, aluminum cans and other recycled materials as a part of the structure is called an Earthship. The house uses solar mass to conserve heat and solar power. they have the following items available to help anyone intersted in knowing more about the house


Home sweet earth home - designers of fine earth sheltered homes since 1977


Greenhomebuilding.com where you can find a wide range of information about sustainable architecture and natural building


Terra-dome - le spécialiste des maisons enterrées


The Low Carbon Trust and Earthship Brighton in Brighton UK - A super-green village - Projects like this can be extremely powerful and they are vital as they point to a feasible alternative to current building methods


Earth Centres come in many different shapes and sizes - from eco-technology parks to permaculture projects




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Contact pour HA: lreyam@gmail.com   

