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Globally Integrated Village Environment
A Laboratory of the Centre for Social Innovation

Head: Franz J. Nahrada
Jedleseerstraße 75 A-1210 Vienna - Tel. +43-1-278 78 01-77    f.nahrada @@@ magnet.at



The Global Villages Dream - Find solutions together
GIVE - Austria 1210 Wien
- The goal of the GIVE Project is the documentation and connection of the best approaches to connect information technology with ecological design of human habitat to contribute to their fast dissemination and augmentation. The "Globally Integrated Village Environment" (GIVE) projekt aims to understand and participate in the creation of an augmented human habitat that is characterized by smaller and more sustainable settlements, embedded in their landscapes and in informational /telematic networks of support
Global Villages - Patterns
My Global Villages Dream Challenge - For a radically different model of development, work and life that is focused on decentralised community based, globally connected living!



The "Globally Integrated Village Environment" (GIVE) projekt aims to understand and participate in the creation of an augmented human habitat that is characterized by smaller and more sustainable settlements, embedded in their landscapes and in informational /telematic networks of support.

It is our deepest conviction that we need profound social and economical changes to prevent the ecological and structural breakdown of our current societies. In this framework we think of information technology as a powerful means of strengthening local capacity-building, not as a goal in itself.

The goal of the GIVE Project is the documentation and connection of the best approaches to connect information technology with ecological design of human habitat - to contribute to their fast dissemination and augmentation.

On this background we see communal and local networking as intrinsicly connected to a global support structure. In this structure, "Global Villages" and "Global Cities" may play different roles, but only together they will form the network that we consider as the most reliable backbone for socieoeconomic development in the 21st century.

GIVE, with its conferences GLOBAL VILLAGE und CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE, has laid the foundations for a community that hopefully will continue productive cooperation in new electronic fora and personal meetings in the coming years.



Das "Globally Integrated Village Environment" (GIVE) Projekt beschäftigt sich mit dem Lebensraum der Zukunft, in dem Telematik und Informationstechnologie wieder kleinräumigere Siedlungseinheiten, tragfähig und naturverbunden, ermöglichen.


Unsere Überzeugung ist, daß es tiefgreifender Änderungen in der sozialen und ökonomischen Struktur unserer Gesellschaft bedarf, um den ökologischen und auch den politisch-wirtschaftlichen Kollaps zu verhindern. Dabei ist Informationstechnologie nur ein Hilfsmittel, um lokale Handlungsfähigkeit zu stärken.

Ziel des Projektes GIVE ist es, durch die Dokumentation und Vernetzung von Ansätzen zu auf der Verbindung von Informationstechnologie und Ökologie gründenden Lebensräumen zu deren raschen Verbreitung und qualitativen Entwicklung beizutragen.

Auf diesem Hintergrund ist jede Entwicklung im Bereich kommunaler Netzwerke ein Schritt in Richtung eines globalen Supportsystems - in dem "Globale Städte" und "Globale Dörfer" zwar verschiedene Rollen spielen, aber zusammen ein Netzwerk bilden, das wir als den verläßlichsten Rückhalt für sozioökonomische Entwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert betrachten.

GIVE hat mit den Konferenzen GLOBAL VILLAGE und CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE den Grundstein für eine Community gelegt, der wir in den nächsten Jahren neue und produktive elektronische Foren der Kommunikation zur Verfügung stellen wollen.


The Activities of G.I.V.E.:

 Public Events

Conferences, Expert Meetings, Publications, Exhibitions and Symposia, e.g. "Global Village '93" , , Global Village 96,

1998 we organized a workshop about "best practices in urban Telematics" in the context of Global Village 98.



Televillage Bruck an der Leitung
G.I.V.E. together with IBM Austria and the Academy of Science worked on a study for the Government of lower Austria.


100 ways to create sustainability with the help of the Web


 Telecommunities: Urban Lab / Rural Lab

GIVE is participating in models of future development of living spaces. Read the text of Franz Nahradas speech at the Habitat Conference.


 Documentation and Networking

As a connection point for universities, companies and independent or political institutions G.I.V.E. is trying to produce a network of scientific activities. It is the aim to experience and documentate the impact on rural areas, urban development and social organizational structures.



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Contact pour HA: lreyam@gmail.com   

