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E.mail: lreyam (at)  gmail.com 




Development Alternatives Group
TARAgram A Model for Rural Industrialisation
SPEED = Smart Power for Environmentally Sound Economic Development - A 4.5 KW solar plant is installed in Fakirtoli which is serving to 34 household and 36 shops in the village. A 5 kW solar plant is installed in Diara rasulpur which is serving to 180 households and one mini cold storage.

Tarahaat - Health, Education, Agriculture, Business

Daily dump - manage waste and compost together


Barefoot - Inde - L'Université du peuple - l'école aux pieds nus - Les femmes du monde entier viennent apprendre à fabriquer des lampes et fours solaires !

(clic en dessous de l'image pour choisir un sous-titrage en français)


Eclairage solaire en Afrique - The Rural Women Solar Engineers of Africa-Latest


Barefoot Grandmothers Install Solar Power The expression "Teach a Man to Fish" might now be replaced by "Teach a Rural Grandma to Install Solar Power."


Barefoot College - Solar Technology




The Women Solar Heroes of Mauritania


Barefoot College Dentists Project


Hindi -- Water song, Barefoot College


Barefoot College en français - l'école aux pieds nus



Biotech Inda - domestic portable Biogas plant



Bâtiment de bureaux en bambou - Les bureaux de l’agence d’architecture Inspiration à Cochin sont probablement le projet le plus grand de ce genre en Inde. Cette expérience montre la pertinence de l’utilisation du bambou pour les projets de type tertiaire et résidentiel.


Un projet de groupement de 95 appartements à haute qualité environnementale développé par BCIL (Bio Conservation India Limited). Un modèle de développement durable en Inde.

TZED (ZED signifie for Zero Energy Development - en référence au projet anglais de BZED) est situé sur Whitefield Road, dans l’agglomération de Bangalore, a été conçu sur un schéma de développement qui considère la gestion de ses ressources naturelles dans le long terme.

Vidéos produits par A&D dans le cadre des différents programmes et projets.



Kolam est la première marque de mode Carbone neutre depuis sa création. Kolam travaille en Inde, avec des petits producteurs et des entités locales pour lesquelles une source de commandes régulière est l’occasion de se développer dans le respect des droits de l’homme au travail - annuaire de projets soutenus par la Nef



Biogas and Microcredit change lives in Nepal



A local culture of spirulina in Madurai (South India) - Fondation Antenna Technologies


Kit de santé, médecine à distance - En inde, des millions de personnes vivant à la campagne n'ont pas accès à un docteur, la plupart étant installés en ville. Pour répondre à ce besoin, Sameer Sawarkar a créé un kit de santé incluant un logiciel qui permet de faire des consultations à distance par webcam. Le docteur peut réaliser des contrôles de pression sanguine, de niveau de stress, de respiration et même réaliser un électrocardiogramme... tout cela virtuellement !
Ce projet est une initiative soutenue par Boehringer Ingelheim et Ashoka dans le cadre du programme making More Health.

Virtual medical exams for Indian living in rural areas - Rural Health Clinic in a Box - Making more health - While other players in India have been focused on developing telemedicine for tertiary and secondary care, Sameer decided to focus on making telemedicine work where it is needed the most- primary care for rural citizens. This field has proven to be challenging in terms of lack of infrastructure, absence of appropriate technology and social issues. Sameer has worked to find creative solutions for each of these barriers and is partnering with different players to implement it on the ground.

Sameer is finding creative solutions to build both the back and front end architecture required to increase access to healthcare through technology in rural areas.

Rural Knowledge Housing Network in India - RHKN is a community for sharing, learning and disseminating information and experiences pertaining to rural housing. The portal has been developed by the Institute of Technology, Delhi. Human Settlement Management Institute HUDCO

Husk Power Systems - From Darkness to Light (success story of a remote Indian village transformed by electricity from Husk Power Systems)
Husk Power Systems won an Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy in 2011 - Husk Power is connecting remote villages in Bihar to a clean, reliable electricity supply, which provides better light, harnesses a widespread waste product and costs less than alternatives. Husk Power's 65 plants gasify rice husks and other biomass waste to supply electricity to around 180,000 people and, by replacing kerosene


Evidence Based, Low Carbon, Pro-Poor Advocacy on Sustainable Eco-Village Development (EVD). - INFORSE Secretariat and Climate Action Network - South Asia (CANSA) - Second phase: September 2017- June 2018

Eco-Village Development in South Asia ; India, Nepal, SriLanka, Bangladesh - The EVD solutions are being promoted from the grassroots level upward. The first step was to create awareness among the communities and the Partners on the subject of climate change. The villagers already experience shifting and reduced monsoon rain, which is disrupting the farming cycle. The second step was to introduce people to the EVD solutions, which mitigate the problems, and which they can adopt. The third step is in progress now. It includes meeting with governmental officials at the district and block levels and telling them about the concept of EVD

INSEDA is a National Socio-Technical Development Association (NASTDAN) of NGOs that promotes renewable energy solutions and climate resilience solutions in India and South Asia

India - Eco Village Development - 12:00 - 2017 - WAFD along with INSEDA conceptualize Eco Village Development (EVD) as a means to tackle the evident threats of Climate Change the small time women farmers were facing in the region of Uttarakhand. Women were organized into groups and Simple affordable sustainable technologies were successfully mitigated in the region.
Nepal - Eco Village - EVD Centre for Rural Technology - English - 12:02 - 2017
Sri Lanka - Eco Village - 8:13 - 2016
Rural Kitchen Improvements : Eco Village Sri Lanka - 2017
Organic Mushroom cultivation : Eco Village Sri Lanka - 2017



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