grajduri, remorci, locuinţe, energie, cooperative, de altfel, alternative, inovaţii, turbine eoliene, fotovoltaice
Les roulottes wagons GECKODECO (Roumanie) sont des habitats nomades qui vous permettent de voyager dans le ręve tsigane - fabrication roulottes a l’ancienne - L=4 ŕ 8 m, l=2,4 m - Prix ŕ partir de 9.500 Euro jusqu'ŕ 20.500 Euro + le prix de transport Roumanie–France
Ecotopia Romania Stanciova, Timis - Between the stormy past of Romania and an uncertain global future, we are among those who do not just simply live, guided by unquestioned traditions or aggressive brainwash by the media, but we try to make sense of the world we live in and make choices. Our community is made up of a diverse group of people. Some are working full time in the project, while others contribute to the project occasionally while pursuing their life in the area and beyond. Volunteers and visitors are an essential ingredient for our success. We all share a common purpose, which is to develop a model of a sustainable rural community in Stanciova. In this sense, we are an “intentional group,” rather than an “intentional community” as may be seen in Western countries.Contact: Stanciova, Timis, 307347 Romania - Phone: +40-(0)256-330959
Desteapta-te, romane, din somnul cel de moarte, In care te-adancira barbarii de tirani ! Acum ori niciodata croieste-ti alta soarte, La care sa se-nchine si cruzii tai dusmani ! Acum ori niciodata sa dam dovezi in lume Ca-n aste mani mai curge un sange de roman, Si ca-n a noastre piepturi pastram cu fala-un nume Triumfator in lupte, un nume de Traian ! Priviti, marete umbre, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine, Romana natiune, ai vostri stranepoti, Cu bratele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine, "Viata-n libertate ori moarte!" striga toti. Preoti, cu crucea-n frunte! caci oastea e crestina, Deviza-i libertate si scopul ei preasfant, Murim mai bine-n lupta, cu glorie deplina, Decat sa fim sclavi iarasi in vechiul nost' pamant ! ------------------------------------------------------- Become a correspondant for <habiter-autrement> / <alternative housing> or a translator or just support this project ! Contact us now ! E.mail: lreyam (at)
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