18-12-2023 -------------------------------------------
https://www.habiter-autrement.org/ > Minimaliste -------------------------------------- Tiny House - Tiny Cabin ..... Micro-Nano Maison - Cabanon sur roues ....
Un choix de vie vers plus de simplicité afin de se donner du temps pour soi et les autres une mode, un type d'habitat qui font fureur Etats-Unis !
Smaller is cuter - Smaller is faster - Smaller is cheaper - Smaller is easier - Smaller is lighter 12 m2 MICRO HOME 18 m2 COMPACT HOME 24 m2 MINIATURE HOME 30 m2 TINY HOME 36 m2 LITTLE HOME 42 m2 SMALL HOME 49 m2 EFFIENCY HOME 55 m2 EDUCED SIZE HOME
On les pose dans son jardin, sur sa terrasse ou en pleine nature, pour gagner quelques mètres carrés : Ces petites maisons deviennent chambre d’Hôtes, chambre d’amis, maison de campagne ou jardin secret. C’est une construction légère, de petite taille, qui existe sous diverses formes et suscite actuellement beaucoup d’intérêt. Celui des architectes ou des artistes, par exemple, qui voient en elle un formidable support de réflexion et d’expérimentation ainsi qu’un moyen de limiter l’impact de l’homme sur l’environnement.
Elle, la cabane en bois, entre aujourd’hui sur le terrain des maison principales et des résidences secondaires, elle s’installe même en ville, pour ceux qui possède une grande terrasse, cour, ou mini-jardin. On l’a considère désormais comme une pièce à part entière. Certains y installent un salon, une chambre d’amis, un bureau, un atelier, dans tous les cas c’est un espace privilégié qui promet la tranquillité, et invite à la rêverie.
Pas besoin d’un permis de construire dès lors qu’elle ne dépasse pas 20m2 et que l’on dispose d’un bati existant. Seul une déclaration de travaux à la mairie est nécessaire. C’est un outil de liberté, on en fait ceux que l’on veut. 100% écologique (elles sont faites en bois français issus de forets à haute rentabilité) - en kit à partir de 500 Euros le m2. (tarif à titre indicatif) Le nec plus ultra de la cabane, avec bardage en red cedar et plancher en chêne, est aussi tractable sur route. Source Marie Claire Maison N°414 juillet/août 2007 Combien faut-il de m2 pour vivre ? http://cahierdevacances.blogspot.com/2008/08/combien-faut-il-de-m2-pour-vivre-une.html L'autoconstruction - nécessité ou loisir ? http://www.autoconstruction.info/L-Autoconstruction.html?lang=fr ------------------------------------------------------
Collectif Tiny House - Autoconstruction, mode de
vie, le mouvement en France, la carte des acteurs du mouvement - Une vie
sobre mais confortable, juste ce qu'il faut, et surtout rien en trop qui
encombre (l'espace et l'esprit). Quelque chose de modeste, économe et autonome
en énergie, une maison efficace et plongé en pleine nature.
DIY - Construire sa Tiny House - épisode 1 -
Début du chantier - Chantier participatif ------------------------------------------------------
La "tiny house", maisonnette écologique sur France Culture
- Terre à Terre 19 sept. 2014
La Tinyhouse c'est quoi ?
Hameaux avec jardins collectifs: se permettre de gagner
moins tout en profitant d’une qualité de vie supérieure. Habiter un P3D
Auro-construction - DIY - Minimalism - Une Tinyhouse pour
devenir grand
Small spaces addiction - Le mouvement "small house" est une description populaire pour l'architecture et le mouvement sociale qui prône une vie simple dans les petites maisons
Inspiring Tiny Home Neighborhoods In The USA
Tiny-house-papillon 77 chemin du Journans - 01170 Cessy
Tinyhouse - Réglementation en France
La Tiny House de Clélie à Bussang -------------------------------------------------------------------- the Tiny Houses Movement
How to build a 14x14 solar cabin .. how I built it for
under $2000.
Tinyhouse en France:
Tinyhouse en Grande-Bretagne
Community to explore the possibilities
for Low Cost Eco Housing inspired by the 'Tiny House' concept.
The Village
Collaborative was founded as an effort to promote the "transitional
village" and "affordable
village" models as an economically, socially and environmentally
sustainable response to this multifaceted issue.Many cities are
currently grappling with a seemingly intractable dilemma: a growing
homeless population coinciding with tightening budget. Sanctuary Camp,
Transitional Village, and Affordable Village models - Opportunity
Village follows the Transitional Village model, and includes 30 tiny
houses (60 - 80 sq. ft.) for otherwise unhoused individuals and couples.
The micro-housing is supported by a common kitchen, front office,
gathering area, and restroom facilities. It is a self-governed community
with oversight provided by a non-profit organization, Opportunity
Village Euegne (OVE). The village opened in August of 2013. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pourquoi choisir de construire une micro maison plutôt que d'acquérir une caravane ou un mobilhome ? I don't understand why you don't just buy/use a "normal" travel trailer?
Home sweet home!
Girl, 14, builds herself a tiny $10,000 house as tribute to her late father
Woman Sick Of
Divorce and Mortgages Build a Brilliant Tiny House. It’s Hard Not to Be
Jealous of This Amazing Place. Total cost: $11,000
What is the Tiny
House Movement?
You Can Buy Happiness (and It's Cheap): How One Woman Radically Simplified Her Life and How You Can Too - Once, Tammy Strobel and her husband were living a normal middle-class lifestyle: driving two cars, commuting long distances, and living well beyond their means. Now they are living the voluntary downsizing — or smart-sizing — dream. In this book Strobel combines research on well- being with numerous real-world examples to offer practical inspiration. Her fresh take on our things, our work, and our relationships spells out micro-actions that anyone can take to step into a life that’s more conscious and connected, sustainable and sustaining, heartfelt and happy. http://www.amazon.com/You-Can-Buy-Happiness- Cheap/dp/1608680835Debt/car-free tiny house couple: simple living + resilience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HnTQNkoRw4#t=442RowdyKittens is about going small, thinking big, and being happy. http://www.rowdykittens.com/our-tiny-house/Smaller house larger life - Tiny House from Marcus Barksdale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFz8pojwrYMSmaller house larger life http://www.smallerhouselargerlife.com/Small houses design - Di aporama de multiples micro maisonshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj0Y2EDnxBc
------------------------------------------------------ 2 plans de micro-maisons sur roues
------------------------------------------------------ Jay Shafer et sa maison sur roues de 10m2, il y vit à l'année ! http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ Vidéo Jay's Tiny House Tour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbRvsWuWNUM Résidence de Jay Shafer http://www.maisonapart.com/edito/travaux-des-maisons-version-modele-reduit-p2-776.php World's Smallest House http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uAJjLmwFk4&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6izsZ-tv_V0
This Tiny House Small Living Journal http://smalllivingjournal.com/
Tiny Solar House – Simple Do-It-Yourself Tiny House Plans http://tinyhouseblog.com/plans/ Lightweight Tiny House Concept http://www.tinyhousedesign.com/ Constructing a simpler life http://greenaerie.blogspot.com/ Tiny House Project http://tinyhouseproject.wordpress.com/ Social change through simple living - How to Change the World by Rethinking Your Perspective UrbanRancher's Blog - Can a city boy build his dream homestead on a mountain, by himself and with no mortgage? http://urbanrancher.wordpress.com/ Creating a Small House for Living Large The ongoing story of Kevin Rose and Marion Carter - somewhere in Vermont http://paddleways.com/blog/gypsyrose/
This tiny house village - living with less
Plans d'une micromaison sur roues très bon marché - tinyhouse on wheels - Remerciements Thanks to Joseph Kenyon - Founder of the Small House Project - This is designed to help those less fortunate to build their own place - People move towards the tiny house movement not because of their desire to live more economically or responsibly, but it is sometimes out of necessity, the need for a home. Etapes de construction d'une micro-maison sur roues - MicroHome or TinyHouse - Diaporama - I'll have just under $1000.00 in this particular home once it is completely in the dry. IE: Shingled Roof, Vinyl Siding, Windows, Door, etc. - M.Barkley http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbarkley/sets/72157614773321714/ This group is inspired from the book of "Tiny Houses". If you know any "Tiny Houses", your pics are welcome in this group http://www.flickr.com/groups/tinyhouses/
Why Build a Small House - Living in a small house helps its owners prioritize their needs when the time comes to expand. They design the perfect timber frame addition which nearly doubles the living space http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrsPnn3y_FM De jolies petites maisons qui nous viennent des USA http://www.maison-solaire.com/7_BUNGA_MONBL_HOM.html Mini chez soi - Prônant une vie simple, débarrassée du superflu, le concepteur fait la chasse aux espaces inutiles et inutilisés et propose une espace de vie essentiel pour une consommation énergétique minimale et un impact environnemental réduit. http://muuuz.com/2008/07/16/mini-chez-soi/ ------------------------------------------------------ Tinyhouse village - We want to build a network of real tiny house villages across the United States. A private online community to discuss the details of how to make that happen. How to get Tiny - A true natural builder before “natural building” hit the scene, SunRay Kelley - Hillary lives in a 677 sq. ft. historic home with her partner while renovating a 50 sq. ft. tiny trailer Habiter et vivre avec moins - The small home movement - My Little Secret to Living with Less http://smalllivingjournal.com/issue-2/thistinyhouse/living-less/ Constructing a simpler life - Small House Inspirations http://greenaerie.blogspot.com/ Coyote Cottage - Construction pas à pas du cabanon en images - Creating a simple shelter - and living with it! Our path to simple and inexpensive living in total comfort Groupe yahoo TinyHouses http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TinyHouses/summary ------------------------------------------------------
Tiny Texas Houses http://www.tinytexashouses.com/ Beach House - cabanon de plage
Cabanon en kit - Our component kits make durable cottage-camps, garages, home offices and studios. Our unique framing technique joins low-maintenance, natural materials to create beautiful structures that last. Prefabricated interlocking, exterior-finish panels assemble quickly with minimal on-site waste. A BungalowInABox goes up on your foundation with a finished exterior appearance in in one or two days. http://www.bungalowinabox.com/ Vidéo bungalowinabox http://www.youtube.com/user/bungalowinabox ------------------------------------------------------ Construire avec de la récup: Commotion projects http://projects.phoenixcommotion.com/ The Phoenix Commotion - Principes http://www.phoenixcommotion.com/architecture.html Maison construite avec du matériel de récupération - Recycled Houses - Meet a man on a mission determined to make cheap, affordable housing for the common man in an Earth-friendly way http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9JkPk0CIo4
------------------------------------------------------ Carré d'étoiles Marko - cube en bois 3mx3mx3,60m superbe aménagement - par Marc Mourot designer - nominé au Hospitality Awards en novembre 2008 marc@@@marko.fr
Why Live In A Micro Home? Links http://www.thegreenestdollar.com/?p=231 Be part of a Small House society http://www.livinginsmallhouses.com/ Forum TinyHouse - Share ideas about tiny houses and simple living Tinyhouse.net - A tiny house that can be lived in and includes heat, water and electricity, might be the size of a guest cottage in a vintage motor court. Resources for life - serving to empower activists, anyone can benefit from the information and principles offered. http://www.resourcesforlife.com/ ------------------------------------------------------ The Small House Society ( लघु सभा सोसायटी | 小型屋宇社会 ) is an effective living outreach of Resources for Life. We are a cooperatively managed organization dedicated to the promotion of smaller housing alternatives which can be more affordable and ecological - Our desire is to support the research, development, and use of smaller living spaces that foster sustainable living for individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The Small House Society serves as a hub for simple sustainable living and the small house movement. Founded by Resources for Life Gregory Paul Johnson http://www.resourcesforlife.com/small-house-society The Small House Society - There is a lot of great information here on living in a mini home, and all the advantages (and disadvantages) that go with it. http://www.resourcesforlife.com/docs/item518 Welcome to the Small House Society Online. This is the place to interactively communicate and collaborate with others about small homes http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smallhousesocietyonline/ ------------------------------------------------------ Blog des toutes petites maisons - Tiny House Blog - Better Living Through Simplicity - Smaller and Simpler Living - Gregory Paul Johnson is the director of the Small House Society The Tiny House Design http://www.tinyhousedesign.com/ Shedworking is part of a global attitude of thinking small (but in a big way). ------------------------------------------------------ Small House Style - This is a wonderful site chock full of information on living in a small house. They also have a great list of designers, builders, and pre-fab micro house kits. http://www.smallhousestyle.com/ Small Space Living - This blog is dedicated to living in a small space, and how to make your possessions do double duty. I can’t say enough about this blog; please, just search through the archives and look at some of the gorgeous, space-saving furniture. It’s art in every sense of the word. http://smallspaceliving.blogspot.com/ ------------------------------------------------------ Mini-Loft 36 - Maison écologique transportable - ECOP Habitat a conçu le premier habitat portable entièrement autonome énergie, qui s'adapte à tous les besoins, à tous les climats, à tous les environnements et à tous les budgets - 36 m2 de surface utile, pour 24 m2 de surface habitable - La coque "hors d'eau, hors d'air" 29.000 à 48.000 € TTC - Ecop Habitat commercialise par ailleurs des modèles de maisons écologiques de 60 à plus de 200 m². http://www.ecop-habitat.fr/maison-ecologique-portable.htm Forum Auto-construction d'une mini-maison autonome http://forums.futura-sciences.com/l Cabanebois.com - Nos cabanes sont prévues montable par des néophytes de la construction, par deux personnes en une journée ! Les pièces de bois ont une longueur maximum de 4 m et un poids maxi de 25 kg. Pas de fondation, pas de maçonnerie, Votre cabane se pose sur des plots en bois durable. Dimension intérieure cabanes : 3X4m Prix ~ 10 à 12.000 € La plus petite maison du monde ? http://www.villiard.com/petite-maison.html Cabane sur pilotis - Tous les détails de construction - une dizaine de jours pour la réaliser - La cabanne fait 6m² (partie habitation + terrasse). Faisant moins de 20m² au sol, une simple déclaration de travaux suffit (sur terrain nu ou bâti). Plans mini cabane http://www.summerwood.com/products/sheds/index.html Plans de cabanons - par Christian Lagrange http://www.alternativecabanon.be/ Maisons, cabanons, micro habitat, bungalow pivotant de Jean-Luc Saivaigo - électricité solaire, éoliennes, énergie de la mer ... http://www.outilssolaires.com/ http://www.maison-solaire.com/ Le recours aux forêts : le site des cabanes et de la vie dans les bois http://www.lerecoursauxforets.org/ ------------------------------------------------------ Shelter pour les sans abris - The Mad Housers build two types of structures for the homeless: Huts and Low Riders. The huts are sturdy wood framed structures, 6' x 8' x 10'. Each hut has a gabled roof, a sleeping loft, a locking door, and a wood burning stove for both heat and cooking. THouse - Teehouse, hot tub house, indian style ... vendu en kit - A simple house for meditation a place for T, a place to entertain nature--friends--yourself Maison sur roues - Lodge-On-Wheels pour $37,900 - Designed to travel on any road, anywhere http://www.lodge-on-wheels.com/ Low cost mini home - Tortoise Shelter Home - on wheels - Steel or wood Frame McKenzie's Treehouse The micro compact home [m-ch] is a lightweight compact dwelling for one or two people. Its compact dimensions of 2.6m cube adapt it to a variety of sites and circumstances, and its functioning spaces of sleeping, working / dining, cooking and hygiene make it suitable for everyday use. CompactHouse a été créée en 2002 par l’architecte Göran Borell. Notre stratégie commerciale est de concevoir, lancer sur le marché et vendre de petites maisons attrayantes et fonctionnelles dans des superficies de 10 à 30m2 . Help - Housing Every Last Person - une petite maison carrée Zerohouse - Maison contemporaine autonome: elle produit son électricité, son eeau potable et traite les eaux usées, le tout de façon automatique Maison container - Global Portable Buildings, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of new, multi-purpose portable buildings. Headquartered in Santa Rosa, California http://www.globalportablebuildings.com/
Shed-Boy - Habitat container - Shed Boys are small buildings which can be used for almost any function you can imagine. Our focus is as an efficiency dwelling unit, fully self-contained, so they can function as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (mother-in-law suite), cottage or cabin, guest house, art studio, pool cabana. Alternative Space Garden Rooms is an established family business specialising exclusively in the design, manufacture and installation of high quality, eco friendly garden rooms. http://www.alternative-space.com/ Zencabins - UK – Ecological Garden Offices and Studios - Zen is about living in the present with complete awareness
Tiny House Company http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ Vidéo - Coût des plans ~ 995€/maison 750€ http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/plans/
Micro home Tumbleweed Tiny Houses - follow a more traditional home design, although there is one model that has a very modern look. http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/ BlueSky MOD- BlueSky MOD homes have a modernist design. WeeHouse- WeeHouse is another modern micro home. Bear Creek Carpentry - a design/build firm in the Adirondacks, and their homes stick with a more “cabin” look. http://www.bearcreekcarpentry.com/ Mini Home - designs are very contemporary. For my part, I think these are my favorite micro homes. I love their designs! Tiny Texas Houses - All of Tiny Texas Homes’ mini homes use reclaimed wood and other materials, and they look like they’ve been out in the elements for years. http://www.discoverys.net/Tiny%20Texas%20Houses.htm Loft Cube - These cubes have been designed for rooftop living (like in New York), but as far as I understand it, I think you can put them anywhere. V2 World Homes - Another modernist designed mini home. inHabit - Simple, clean designs. http://inhabitdwellings.com/index.html Sidekick Homes - These little homes, designed by Kephart Living, LLC are sort of a modern take on the traditional “backyard cottage”. M Finity - M Finity has some very small homes that are modern, but not extremely so. The cool thing about M Finity is that they offer free shipping and free set up on their mod homes. Want To Live In A Shipping Crate? - Posted here at The Greenest Dollar. http://www.thegreenestdollar.com/?p=675 Mark Terrano’s Blog- Mark Terrano built a gorgeous mini home for his mother in Washington state. His blog details the project every step of the way, and has some really amazing pictures of how his home turned out. http://markopolo.smugmug.com/Tiny%20Houses Inhabitat - a lot of great articles on living small and living green. http://www.thegreenestdollar.com/www.inhabitat.com Tiny House Design - This blog is chock full of awesome information on tiny home living. It has house plans, tips, personal stories, and an impressive amount of resource links for online communities focused on tiny homes and simple living. Don’t miss it! http://www.tinyhousedesign.com/
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Tiny Houses Find a Friend on the Gulf Coast http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5366823 The Trailer Informs The Floor Plan http://www.tinyfreehouse.com/tag/tiny-house-plans/ Tiny House avec des palettes de bois http://www.tinyfreehouse.com/about/ Tiny House - Vue en plan http://www.tinyfreehouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/tfh-floor-plan-20080813.gif Tiny House - Coupe http://www.tinyfreehouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/tfh-trailer-20080813.gif Belgique : Floreco cabanon réalisé avec une scierie mobile
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cherokee Cabin Company on line plans catalog - A Collection of very small, very easy to build designs with working drawings - ~30$ available for each design. http://www.townandcountryplans.com/kenora2.html Sauna Cabin, Summerhouse, spa range - Nottingham http://www.arcticcabins.co.uk/ Constructing a simpler life my first tiny house… http://greenaerie.blogspot.com/ Tiny House Design http://www.tinyhousedesign.com/2009/02/05/tiny-house-gold-mine-on-flickr/ Forum Tiny House - Share ideas about tiny houses and simple living - Discuss green and environmentally friendly construction techniques and materials http://www.tinyhouseforum.com/ Better Barns Hardware plans de cabanons à 30$ - Better Barns makes Do-It-Yourself Architect Designed Barn Plans, Shed Plans Turnbull Tiny House - Stages de formation pour la construction d'une micro maison sur roues - This blog follows the inspiration, construction and inhabitation of a creative 144-foot space - building workshops and several tinyhouse building parties this summer * Make it beautiful and lovely to inhabit. * Source reclaimed and recycled materials. * Celebrate a small budget: Sustainability and Economy are sisters. * Insulate well with natural materials. * Share the design/build process, detail my budget, and inspire others to explore low-budget, low-impact structures. * Build without VOCs, formaldehyde or toxic materials. * Minimize my fossil fuel use. * Incorporate energy-efficient LED lights and minimal appliances. http://www.turnbulltinyhouse.blogspot.com/ Tiny House Blog Tumbleweed Tiny Houses http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/" The micro compact home http://www.microcompacthome.at/company/ Blue Sky Mod http://www.blueskymod.com/info.html Small House Society http://www.resourcesforlife.com/small-house-society Modern Cabana http://http//www.moderncabana.com/MC_main.html MiniHome ProHousing.org The Powerpod http://www.powerhouse-enterprises.com/ Lodge-On-Wheels Packs A Lot Into A Small Space http://www.comingunmoored.com/2009/03/lodgeonwheels-small-space/ Lodge on wheels - Portable Cabin - Small Houses by the Martin House Company - Fully equipped cabin-on-wheels can go where you go http://www.lodge-on-wheels.com/ Lodge on wheels photos http://squob.com/travel_trailers/lodge-on-wheels-shed-heaven/ Plans de petites maisons http://www.comingunmoored.com/plans/ Plans d'une micro-maison sur roues - Tiny Home on wheels - The Small House Project - Free Tiny House Plans Website Bungalow in a box pour 13,700$ - We build the shell weathertight so you can relax and take your time on the interior finish - Woolwich, ME 04579 USA Greenshelters Cabin fever - Un cabanon multi usages - Metrocabin is a getaway cabin, a studio, an extra room, a cabana, or a lakeside retreat. Cabanon en rondins de bois http://www.cclogcabins.com/Site/Home.html Cabanons finlandais en rondins Cabanons/abris pour le grand nombre - Afrique du Sud - The Future of Low-cost, High-quality Housing - BSB Design’s patent-pending Abōd homes owest-cost, low-income starter homes Hybrid Seattle - wood modular Maison en kit Inexpensive starter Homes, Cabins and Cottages Mini Cabin 120 square feet of floor space or less - alternative construction resources La cabane "Plankée" - La cabane "en Cavale" - Histoire de cabanes - La cabane peut être enlevée dans nos ateliers ou livrée. - 17180 Périgny / La Rochelle http://www.histoiredecabanes.com/cabaneplankee Maison surélevée 2007 http://www.frontarchitects.pl/PROJEKTY/HOUSES/shauz/sha1.htm Construction avec des palettes de bois http://www.tinyhousedesign.com/2008/12/16/pallet-house-construction-alternative/ Construction en palettes de bois http://hivemodular.terapad.com/
Cabin kits - cabanons en kit en Grande Bretagne - Argos is reportedly the first company in the UK to sell attractive and affordable log cabin kits. The basic five room cabin can be built by two people in two days and sells for just under £11,000 . Rechercher: log cabin / luxury-cabin / summer-house
La maison la plus étroite au monde - Madre de Deus, Brésil http://ahboon.net/2007/03/08/narrow-habitation/ Une maison d'un mètre de large - Madre de Deus au Brésil, et sa propriétaire s’appelle Helenita http://www.brindilles.net/un-seul-metre-de-large/ Maison étroite à Montréal à l'angle StAugustin-StAmbroise http://maison.emdx.org/StAugustin-StAmbroise.jpg Skinny House à Boston http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinny_House_(Boston) Maison étroite à Buenos Aires - Casa minima http://www.conozcabuenosaires.com.ar/postales/santelmo_casamini.htm Ressources mini maisons http://insitebuilders.com/stuff.htm ----------------------------------------------------- Un bus pour 75 passagers transforme en habitat - Phases de réalisation - School Bus Conversion Project http://www.vonslatt.com/bus-main.shtml Bus Reconversion - Un site consacré à la reconversion de bus - Livres, plans, exemples, CD - Comment réaliser un campingcar économique http://www.rv-busconversions.com/ ----------------------------------------------------- VIDEOS
Woman Living In A 84 sq foot Home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6izsZ-tv_V0 Small House Society Online http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smallhousesocietyonline/ Tortoise Shell Home's Zen Tortoise custom tiny home http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhkaJzJixp0 Man shares joy of 96-square-foot home http://www.king5.com/video/featured-index.html?nvid=262968 On the Road Again by Tiny Texas Houses http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5wm29Z2cI Steve's tiny house on wheels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey_0Ijay8Yo ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Habitat Container Port a Bach Container - Wellington, Nouvelle Zélande - immediate, flexible and long-term solution that enables you to use your land without investing in a permanent property commitment - Atelier Workshop Architecture - contact (at) atelierworkshop.com Mobile dwelling unit using a shipping container as its starting point the mobile dwelling unit by lot-ek, uses a series of protrusions to add space to the unit. Weehouse - is a tiny house concept by alchemy architects. the house concept has many iterations as well. the studio has now built 11 wee houses in a verity of sizes, all of which are wee. the houses are built by the company ------------------------------------------------------------ Matériel nécessaire pour construire une micro-maison (tinyhome): http://www.comingunmoored.com/2009/02/materials-building-tiny-house-wheels/
« Toute personne croyant qu'une croissance exponentielle peut durer indéfiniment dans un monde fini est soit un fou, soit un économiste. » Kenneth Boulding
Coyote Cottage - Construction pas à pas du cabanon en images - Creating a simple shelter - and living with it! Our path to simple and inexpensive living in total comfort Groupe yahoo TinyHouses http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TinyHouses/summary Plans d'une micromaison sur roues très bon marché - tinyhouse on wheels - Remerciements Thanks to Joseph Kenyon - Founder of the Small House Project - This is designed to help those less fortunate to build their own place - People move towards the tiny house movement not because of their desire to live more economically or responsibly, but it is sometimes out of necessity, the need for a home. Etapes de construction d'une micro-maison sur roues - MicroHome or TinyHouse - Diaporama - I'll have just under $1000.00 in this particular home once it is completely in the dry. IE: Shingled Roof, Vinyl Siding, Windows, Door, etc. - M.Barkley http://www.flickr.com/photos/mbarkley/sets/72157614773321714/ This group is inspired from the book of "Tiny Houses". If you know any "Tiny Houses", your pics are welcome in this group http://www.flickr.com/groups/tinyhouses/ ----------------------------------
La loi ALUR (loi pour l’accès au logement et un urbanisme
rénové), adoptée le 20 février 2014 contient des dispositions relatives aux
habitats non traditionnels, habitats mobiles et habitats démontables constituant
l’habitat permanent de leurs utilisateurs. Il peut s’agir de caravanes, ou
également de mobiles home, tipis ou yourtes.
44 of the Most Impressive Tiny Houses
> Minimaliste